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dicksie3 9:41 Thu Jun 18
Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
Fat, weird, demented, lard arse cunts...

Get out of my fucking way when I'm running and maybe try and lose a few pounds so you don't have to use a walking stick to hobble your fat cunt arses about... You fat cunts...

Fucking hell...

Evening all!...

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

medwayhammer1 12:47 Tue Jun 23
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
What are you banging on about A8...bit harsh. Ive also got the big C but go to work...not everybody is so lucky. i also get benefits...am I a scrounging cunt too??

Helmut Shown 3:32 Mon Jun 22
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
Is the answer:!theyve just signed for West Ham and face a mandatory year on the treatment bench?

Roger Mellie 10:27 Sun Jun 21
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!

I suggest you don't watch Quadrophenia as that film is about cunts on scooters getting in everyones way. It will make your blood boil.


stomper 10:25 Sun Jun 21
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
. 10:36 Sat Jun 20
Maybe you could combine the two. Points deducted for spillage naturally.

Shin Chan 10:17 Sun Jun 21
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
After8, normally you are one of the saner posters on here, but I must say you are talking fucking shit.

stomper 10:05 Sun Jun 21
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
After 8. I got cancer but I go to work. A lot of people don't because a lot of people can't. I suspect I'm only there because of understanding management and the active support of the local teachers union.
I suggest you don't judge until you taste it. I hope you never taste it, but have a bit of empathy.

Hammer and Pickle 10:38 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
Clearly amputee actors.

. . 10:36 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
Maybe the cripples are ex runners. It is a well known fact that you put 4 times your body weight through your knee ankle and hip with every stride.
Fuck running i’d rather have a beer

After8 8:58 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
Brentford there's no excuse for not eating healthily. That Jack morone might be a bitch when it comes to her politics but she's shown you can eat healthily on a pittance.

It's laziness and greed.

bruuuno 8:35 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
I live in a major city and never see anyone in a mobility scooter, maybe the odd full on raspberry every couple of months. Fuck knows where you lot love.

Surely benefits should be stopped once someone gets over a certain BMI? Be doing them a favour

dicksie3 8:18 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
I'm talking about fat wankers, Shin Chan...

Keep-up... You fat cunt...

Shin Chan 8:07 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
I would imagine it would be difficult for crippled people to walk without the aid of some stick/wheel chair etc.

This thread just shows up the mentality, or lack of mental acumen, of the poster.

13 Brentford Rd 6:43 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
No they are not forced to eat it but any government has a moral duty to at least not encourage it and really try to discourage it.
How many MCds, KFCs, shit chicken and kebab shops do you need?
In most other countries these are controlled and you don't see them by the dozen on every high street and in every retail park or shopping centre and people are not obesse and thete is a rich food culture but that is not the case, build it and they will come, and they do!

wd40 6:26 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
Just seen a Mobility scooter
which was massive and had 6 large rear mirrors sticking out on bars which in turn had flags waving from them plus what for it.... 4 large headlights! what wouldn't look out of place on a racing car.

After8 we all agree with you.

After8 6:09 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
People aren't forced fed junk food they can exercise some self control.

Unfortunately far people have had it easy for far too long with governments paying them to sit at home will importing immigrants to do the work.

We've literally been paying people to sit at home and eat all day.

Get walking eat some vegetables and get back to work you fat bastards.

13 Brentford Rd 5:37 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
Yep big conglomorates selling and producing shit food that is lapped up by the masses daily plus bad lifestyles involving mainly sitting on your arse is killing you!
The American obsessed media and public can"t get enough of it.
I blame sucessive clueless governments who care only about money for allowing this to happen.
Nothing will stop it now look at the horsemeat scandal.

Enjoy your kebabs.

medwayhammer1 1:51 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
Medway=Mobility scooter capital of the world! Know what people mean about the Blue badges...winds me up aswell, even tho due to my cancer I can actualy qualify for one....would just feel such a fraud if I did tho. Do get benefits tho, but need them for my endless appts and travel costs...oh and I do work aswell.

the last eastender 1:34 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
Saying about people with blue badges. I lost count of the times I have seen some big brova all muscles and extremely healthy (physically) leap and bounce out of his car and stick a blue badge in the windscreen with no shame whatsoever.
Fat people-much of it is not just too many calories it's the crap additives such as high fructose corn syrup and trans fats.
Big food companies are killing people with processed food

Westham67 12:22 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
A8 they age going 40 a class, but I suppose that's enough for local riff raff wholly only end up in the local facotry

Westham67 12:18 Sat Jun 20
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
SurfaceAgentX2Zero 8:15 Fri Jun 19

How is he fit for work you fucking gormless cunt

Any Old Iron 2:42 Fri Jun 19
Re: Why are there so many fucking crippled cunts hobbling around with fucking walking sticks nowadays?!
Zammo, I doff my cap to you sir.

Apart from the elderly, who are dodgy on their pins (Like my old Mum) how come so many users of mobility scooters are massive lard arses and middle aged? I won't dignify the fat fucks by calling them obese, which hints at some kind of illness.

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